Teachers . . . Offers and Wanted . . .Local Music Groups . . . Local Composers and videos
Welcome to this site, which aims to encourage music
in Woking, Surrey, UK.
in alphabetical order
Brass instruments : Adam Brown . . . Robin Langdon
Cello : Megan Benyon . . . Jane Cameron
Clarinet : Diana Chads
Double Bass : enquire at Adrian Warrick Strings
Drums : Adam Bond
Flute : Ami Lodge
French Horn : Martin Lawrence
Guitars and various : Kevin Gunner . . . Rachael Holden . . . Vincent Welch . . . Stuart Norman . . . Alex Macdonnell (also Bass guitar) . . . Matthew Mitchell (Bass Guitar) . . .
Oboe, Cor Anglais : Luiz de Campos
Organ : David Pennant
Piano : Pamela Barker . . . Megan Benyon . . . Karen Brooks . . . Rossella Caruso . . . Diana Chads . . . Columba Dromgoole-Cavazzi . . . Eralys Fernandez and her team Daniel Caceres Ortigoza, Alexandru Negriuc, and Joshua Cheng . . . Fiona Godden . . . Susan Hamilton . . . Lucy Holmgren . . . Dorothy Kirkman . . . Amy Lewis . . . . . . Sue Newbery . . . David Pennant . . . Muzzaffar Shah . . . Bram Simmonds . . . David Walton
Recorder : Pamela Barker
Saxophone : Bryony Rickard
Singing : Megan Benyon . . . Rossella Caruso . . . Joe St. Johanser . . . Ursula John . . . Alison Taylor
Trumpet and Trombone, see Brass Instruments above
Ukelele : Alex Macdonnell
Viola : Ursula John . . . Alison Taylor
Violin : Columba Dromgoole-Cavazzi . . . Jo Lawrence . . . Alison Taylor . . .
Learning to play an instrument or sing is a doorway into a lifetime of pleasure.
To dip your toe in the water at low expense, consider a keyboard. It should have 61 keys minimum (pianos have 88) and be touch sensitive (the harder you press, the louder the note). For a tutor, I recomend The Older Beginner Piano Tutor Level One by James Bastien. I use it for children as well as adults, and you could probably teach yourself with it, certainly for a while. Try out my Easy Peasy Pieces once you have got going. For online piano tuition, my great niece is doing well with the Simply Piano app from Joy Tunes.
For wind or brass, a good first step is to try the descant recorder. A boy who wanted to learn the saxophone had lessons on the recorder first, and then was delighted to find that the fingering on the saxophone was the same.
When looking for a teacher, word of mouth is a good idea. Ask around.
Do get in touch with me to add something to this site - david@WokingMusic.net. There is no charge, and I aim to respond promptly. David Pennant, Woking, UK.